Friday, August 20, 2010

What age should a teenage girl start dating?

What age should a teenager start dating? And what can I tell her for some ground rules??What age should a teenage girl start dating?

Curfew rules, where they are going, clear expectationsWhat age should a teenage girl start dating?
yeah, i'd answer but the q is closed...

i'd say she can go out with someone in middle school. not like going to the movie alone but going to school dances and just saying they're going out. trust me, kids like being able to say they have a boyfriend/girlfriend. to go on a real date, 13 or 14.

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14 or 15
I think High School.......that's when it all starts. I started dating in High School myself. But it depends on that person.
high school. age 16.. we are to meet the boys.. and more then once.. she is to be home at curfew
9th grade. I'm 20 years old and I remember allll my parents ';ground rules';. I'm married to my highschool boyfriend and a mommy now, so I appreciate their rules a lot more now. I always had a curfew with no exceptions, and they always had to meet whoever I was going out with. He had to pick me up and come to the door to get me. I think these are great rules now...I hated them when I wad 15! Good luck! We all know teenage girls are tough!!
14 years old n here r some my mom tells me:

1.Make sure i leave the name n number of the person i am goin with

2. Call when i get to where i am goin and when i am on my way home.

3. Never go into their house.

4. Stay in a area where there are lots of people

5. Don't let them pay for you until you've been goin out for a while.

6.Never let them kno how much money you have.

Number 6 is mine and while they may seem like a lot to tell her it's worth it. Trust me.
High School or ONLY if its okay w/ you...15.5

i think from 15 . as long as you are mature enough to handle yourself
14 or 15 tell her you expect her to be honest with you about where she is going and what she is going to be doing.
um 16 n tell her what u think is expected of her
well I'm 13 and i have a boyfriend but like we don't go out alone but we do go out on like group dates with like a 5 other friends to the movies, someones house, etc.

I think that 14/15/16 is a good age to go out alone on a date depending on how mature the teen is.
My daughter is 10. I told her she can date when she is 21. She then told me her boyfriend is called Bradley. HELP. ( I think it is totally Innocent as he does not know she is is girlfriend)

I suppose early teens is fine if you talk to your child first.
As soon as she feel she's attracted to someone. But not a nightclub party when you're 13.

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