Tuesday, August 24, 2010

How do you feel about unwed teenage pregnancy?

If a girl got pregnant after being raped does that change how you feel? Is it the same to you as a floosy at school sleeping around and getting pregnant?How do you feel about unwed teenage pregnancy?
Rape is never the same as someone just sleeping around, and unfortunately in the US 1 in 4 women will be sexually assaulted/abused in their lifetime and typically it is someone they know love and trust.

What I think of unwed teen pregnancy is that our schools and parents are dropping the ball in properly educating our youth on sex and safe sexual practices. We can't just tell them to refrain from sex till marriage. That is like dangling forbidden fruit in front of Eve. I was 21 when I took psychology of sex in college. It was an awesome class. It went over the emotional ups and downs of sex. The statistics of how many women remain with their first sexual partner when they lose their virginity at different ages. ALL of the STD's and even a 3 day slide show of them (the thought of touching someone made me want to throw up) it even went over how you don't even have to have sex to get them, and how condoms don't always work. It even went over at what age a man can actually properly please a woman in bed and when a woman is actually open to being pleasured and not just lay there. I'm not saying that all of that is relevant, but there was so much in that class that would be okay for a teen to hear, and I wish I had known before taking the plunge and faking my way through a 2 year relationship because I didn't want to break up with my first which is a very common thing and is often how women get into abusive relationships.

They need to bring in local teen mom groups and have them talk to kids about how hard it is being a mom at 17 and tell them that nope they are no longer with the father because he ditched her after she got pregnant which is the case in over 80% of teen pregnancy cases.

We also for some reason keep it from guys about how many women are sexually abused in their life and what the results of all that abuse has done to women. There is also no negative surrounding a teen boys that gets a girl pregnant, he gets to drop the ball and run. It is almost as if we keep pinning it on the women like it is their fault and its okay for a man to be sexual and dominate. Until we get people properly educated and drop double standards the cycle continues.How do you feel about unwed teenage pregnancy?
I have a lot of close friends who have had children in their teens and it never really changed my view of the person as a whole. I do think that you should try to avoid teenage pregnancy, not meaning you get pregnant and you have an abortion, but avoiding in general.

As for rape, I think of it differently then I would of the person was just being irresponsibly. I'd actually think well of them if they were to keep the baby because when you're raped most people don't wanna have to deal with the fact that they had a child by a person who raped them.

And no...it's not.
l don't judge. l don't know the story behind the Teenagers pregnancy. She could of been raped, drugged and then been forced to have sex unprotected, or anything across those lines. l am judgemental on here because it annoys me when Teenage people say things like 'We didn't use protection because we feel like we didn't need to' or.. something like 'We prefer it unprotected because it feels better'. That's no excuse.

l had a pregnancy scare [even though l was protected] and l don't feel that l should judge anyone. Rape is a completely different story. lt is not the girls fault, and it's her choice on whether she wants to keep the baby or not.

Well. I have a sixteen month old baby named Tanner. I was fourteen when I had him. I don't encourage younger people to have babies, because you have to be mature and give up a lot. It's a lot of work. I regret it, but I love my baby. I don't recommend it at all. But bottom line, I am not against it. I'm against the people that put teenage mothers down. I am against that because they don't know what we go through. They are just judging what they see. And it's wrong.
Well I don't judge people so i wouldn't think she's a s l u t because i don't know , because well she could've been raped , but if i knew she was sleeping around because she's a close friend but if i don't know her i wouldn't be quick to judge.
I think it is none of any ones business to judge someone. Stuff happens and thats how it will always be. No if you get raped then it is not the same. Nobody has the right to judge some one else just for making stupid mistakes everyone makes mistakes, some people just make different ones.
If its no fault of the woman's, then I have no negative opinion of it at all. In regards to rape, it most likely 100% was not her fault. How can anyone blame her for that?

In regards to a teenage girl just foolishly having unprotected sex, yes, I have negative opinions of that.
Yes, there is a difference because the girl that raped did not have sex under her own will.

Obviously I don't feel too bad about teen pregnancy because I am 17 years old and 20 weeks pregnant with my first baby.
Well rape is completely a different story. Also I don't look down on someone because they are unwed. I wasn't married when I had my daughter. Now almost 3 years later im married to her father.
It is better then making them get married.

Most teens get pregnant because their parents are idiots and won't help them get a vibrator or on birth control.
Poor start in life for both kids ( mom and the baby ) , rape or no rape.
i dont approve of it, but if it was a case of rape its a different story i think
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