Sunday, August 22, 2010

How do you feel about teenage pregnancy?

Also, do you think that parents are responsible for their child's actions?

What do you think causes or influences these teens to go out and get pregnant?

And what do you think can prevent it?How do you feel about teenage pregnancy?
Parents are responsible to teach their children about safe sex. There is nothing other than locking their teens in their room and not letting them out to prevent it! And, its really no ones business other than the family's. Its not like its a disease. A baby is a blessing reguardless of age. There is nothing that states any one under X age will not be a good parent. Nothing! So who cares what you, or I, or she, or them or anyone else thinks! It does not matter! Unless we go back to chasitity belts then it will not change. Teens will have sex because they want to. Nothing will prevent it. Sorry.

I am neither for, nor against teen pregnancy. I'm not going to condone it, nor will I bash any young woman who becomes pregnant, as they are the ones needing the most guidance.How do you feel about teenage pregnancy?
I think it's totally out of hand. I think it's ridiculous that promiscuity leads to popularity among teens. As a parent, I would feel completely responsible if my child became pregnant. It's a parent's job to know what their kid is doing, who they're seeing, etc. If I even suspected my child was sexually active, there would be none of this ';well, let's take you and get some birth control'; and completely condoning it. It's not ok! They're not emotionally or physically ready for the repercussions of sex. I think parents need to be more open with talking about kids, not just about contraception, but about how to achieve self-worth without having sex. Kids just don't have any respect for their own bodies. I'm a firm believer in abstinence. Just because the temptation is there doesn't mean you have to give in to it. Open lines of communication when a child does feel pressure are essential.
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink it! All we can do as parents is provide our children with the information they need to be able to engage in sexual activity responsibly. The biggest thing a mother can do is not be naive, her little Suzie will be exposed to sex prior to the age of consent. Prepare them, educate them and always leave the line of communication open to them.

There are many reasons why teenagers fall pregnant, the majority of them are not planned, that is why we as mothers need to be aware and even get them birth control prior to the age of consent.

Failure to educate is failure as a parent, should we educate and our children not listen, well, no parent can be held responsible for that, as I said in the opening line, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink, the same can be said of raising our children!
No,the parents aren't fully responsible,because the teen SHOULD KNOW that anytime you have sex you can and may get pregnant. What causes it? They aren't properly educated on methods to prevent pregnancy anymore,and they're too scared to talk to mom/dad about it,or any contraceptive for that matter. What can prevent it? Parents letting their teens know that it's ok to talk to them,and not freak out on them for having sex,because as a teen,noone can tell me they didn't do it/didn't at least THINK about doing ot once. Nothing can prevent it but education,them getting more educated about just how easy it is to get pregnant. It's not fully to blame on the parents,becuase the teens make their own decision to have sex.
I completely disagree with the first answerer. I know many teen girls who have gotten pregnant. They don't choose to do it , the condom breaks or their form of birth control FAILS, and they just deal with the outcome as best they can. Noone that I know has ever aborted either, because they are trying to do the most humane thing possible. I had a teen pregnancy, and I talk to my parents about sex all of the time. I am 16 and my baby is due in less than a month. And as of right now, I don't regret a thing, bc since I was using a confon, and it just so happened to break, I think god is sending me this child for a reason. Did you ever think of it that way?
Personally I don't think a teenager under the age of 18 should be 'try' for a baby. Now if she got pregnant before then on accident I'll support it.

I think it does have something to do with parents not watching their kids enough. But you also have to trust your kids. You don't want to know what my son is always doing. Just hope he is making 'smart' choices.

I have no idea what influences them. I was a young girl when I lost my v. But I know if I could do it over I would.

Kids will do what they want. They don't think of the aftermath.

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