Friday, August 20, 2010

How to get your teenage crush to notice you?

I like this guy, but we never talked. What should i do to get him to notice me? Please be as detailed as possible.How to get your teenage crush to notice you?
I know how you feel, honestly. I have this huge crush on this boy right now and we have never really talked. All my friends have been like just talk to him...but its really not that simple right? My advice to you is just to be yourself and act like you dont really care about him (that kinda will help out) and just maybe if you look at him and make sure he knows your some what interested then let him make the fist move unless you feel good enough to just have small talk with him. Just depends on the guy.How to get your teenage crush to notice you?
Understand guy's don't like to be pursued, they like to pursue. If you think you have a chance with the guy, try and start a conversation, or comment on something he says or something he's doing then just continue talking from there. Just talking will get him to notice you then it's up to him from there. If hes interested he will pursue you.
well, if it would be weird talking to him because you usually don't talk, just somehow draw the least bit of attention to yourself -unless you like attention, then go for the gold:)- just enough for him to look at you and remember you as that, so try to make it a good memory=) or an even better way would be to get one of his friends to like you! then he would definitely notice you
The first thing you have to do is talk to him. How is he suppose to know you like him if you never even talk to him. Try talking to him alone if you don't like talking with all his friends around like catch him alone when he's at his locker sometime or something like that.Personally i don't like it when girls try talking to me with there friends but if you need the motivation bring a friend. After talking to him and getting to know him better and you're sure you really like him that's when you ask him out or just ask him if he likes you as well. If you really talk to him you might find out you really don't even like him that much after all.You should tell him about your self as well (4got to add that).
Talk to him!! or write him a note... let him know that you want to be friends (yeah it may sound lame but it's going to get you 2 talking).

If you don't know what to write then write exactly that.

Tell him in your note that your not sure what to write but you want to be friends with him.

I wouldn't say anything about you having a crush on him... He should get the hint.

He shouldn't say this, but don't feel rejected if he says no.

Hope this helps. =]

Good luck!!
Girl, let me give you the best advice anyone can give you. If you really like this guy and you want him to notice you, just walk up to him and act like you drop your books (if you met him at school) and say ';I'm so sorry, I'm such a klutz.'; Nine times out of ten he'll disagree with your statement and you can use that as an excellent icebreaker
wow. great answeres by those two. don't do that. all i did was i sat next to him and i asked him for help on my homework. then he told me and after that we just talked every day. don't be afraid to talk to boys hun. just go up to him and say what you want to say.
Join a club/group he is in. Us guys like it when people like the things we do. If you don't have anything like this in common, then maybe you should reconsider you're liking of him. Say hi. Just say hi. Say it. IT WORKS. It will show you are brave and know him.
If he is in a club, join the club and say hi. If he is in your class, say hi, and be like o this class was lame today. Just say hi.
try to look good, then tell him you had a crush on him. i dunno why people say the girls should never make the first move but i think its gd if girls do the first move if they r interested in the guy
Try to flirt with him in a not so obvious way, talk to him more, try to get near him more often. get in with his friends/his friends part of the crew so to say and just get noticed.
walk near him. not to much or else he'll think you're stalking him.

dress up really pretty and wear on makeup if necessary. if you know his friends, talk to them in front of him.
Say hi or something really silly.

it'll make him remember you and respect you for having the guts to talk to him.

I made so many friends (and more) like that,

Eye contact is important as well
streak in front of them or in front of their house or parents.

slap them.

i really suggest streaing. if u do do it, email me wut happens at
Start talking to him or maybe have someone throw a party and make sure he gets invited.
if you start an arugument with him then he will notice you. Or do what i do just run around naked, it sounds stupid but it gets their attention
Do you know him? If you have a friend who knows him, should ask her to introduce you to him
Talk to him.
Heres all the detail you need, really.

Say hi to him.
tease him look at him the look away and see if he looks back
go up to him and start a conversation
be funny!!!!!!
look at him and make shure he knotices you. smile if you feel confortable. make shure you arnt shy ( : qoood luck
Go up to him and say...';I like you.';
fart in your own face and the two people before me
flip your hair,flirt,just talk to him it will get easier
kiss him when he turns to you.

he'll like it afterwards if your cute...
fart in stevens face
go commando in a short skirt and bend over in front of him

talk to him, find a common interest. dont be fake or fake an interest though.
fart in her face

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